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Jessica Smith: Why I Rebuild

I left the country for the first time when I was 11 years-old, and it opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart to a world so much bigger than I had known before. My family spent a couple of weeks building houses with a non-profit organization in Mexico. For the first time I saw people who were living without basic necessities in structures slightly resembling homes, and it was their normal. I realized the privilege that I had done nothing myself to merit, that I had simply been born into, and that I needed to do so much more to help others who need what I have.

Fast forward to today, where countless life experiences have deepened my love for humankind and my desire to use my time and talents to help and serve. I have a passion for working with youth, and believe that the best way to help the rising generation is to give them the tools to make effective decisions and be empowered to follow their dreams.

I rebuild for peace because I believe that all humans have the right to achieve their own success and dreams in life. I am a student of Intercultural Peacebuilding at BYU-Hawaii and am learning all that I can to be able to help others overcome conflict and work toward progress in their communities. When I first heard about Rebuild For Peace, I knew it was an organization that was helping to make effective and needed change for young adults facing risks I have never known personally. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute in some small way to the incredible mission of empowering young adults in Jordan to not only provide for themselves, but to stand out as leaders and ambassadors of peace in their communities.



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