Rebuild for Peace CEO Published as a Luminary
February 07, 2019
Inspire Me Today searches the wold to find insightful luminaries in order to inspire over 3 million subscribers to make the world a better place. In this publication Rebuild for Peace CEO discusses his thoughts on dealing with challenges.
January 01, 2017
In 2014, while living in Palestine, Chris began his desire to pursue a career in philanthropy. Since that time he graduated from BYU-Hawaii with a major in Intercultural Studies with an emphasis in Peacebuilding and Anthropology. "I've used this degree working in conflict resolution initiatives in several countries and have learned just how crucial the next generation is in the climate of global conflicts."
The Castle Rebuild Initiative Launches
March 19, 2017
خبرني - أطلقت مؤسسة المظلة الزرقاء للتدريب والتنمية المجتمعية وبالتعاون مع جمعية إحياء التراث والفلكلور الكركي الشعبي، مبادرة "قلعتنا باقية" في محافظة الكرك، والتي جاءت تخليدا لأرواح شهداء القلعة، وبمناسبة افتتاح فرع المؤسسة في االكرك. وشملت المبادرة عددا من النشاطات الميدانية والفعاليات بمشاركة عدد من ناشطي المجتمع المدني ومجموعة من الشباب المتطوعين. وعملت المبادرة على صيانة وإعادة طلاء أبواب قلعة الكرك، شجرة الزيتون في مدخل قلعة الكرك،
The Blue Umbrella Foundation for Training and Community Development [and Rebuild for Peace] in cooperation with the Society for the Revival of Heritage and folklore folklore, launched the "Qalatna Leqaya" initiative in Karak governorate, which was dedicated to the martyrs of the castle. The initiative included a number of field activities and events with the participation of a number of civil society activists and a group of young volunteers. The initiative worked on the maintenance and repainting of the doors of Karak Castle, the olive tree at the entrance to Karak Castle...

Concert tonight benefits Mormon-Muslim effort to help refugees escape lure of extremism
July 13, 2017
Desert News. Mormon and Muslim millennials from several countries are working together to provide young refugees in Jordan with an alternative to joining ISIS or other extremist groups. Rebuild for Peace launched in December. The non-profit group counters extremism by offering vocational training and education to refugees and at-risk youth ages 14-25. In March, the Jordanian government's Vocational Training Corporation awarded Rebuild for Peace a grant of $425,000 to build vocational education centers in violence-torn areas...

How a Montana Mormon started a peacebuilding charity in the Middle East
August 07, 2017
The Progressive Mormons. It all started in the backyard of my Grandma Whetten’s house where she sent me (after saying I was bored) with some blocks of wood, nails and a hammer. When my parents returned, I didn’t want to go home because I was having too much fun hammering nails into wood. That’s where my love for vocational education started...

Making a Difference With ‘ReBuild For Peace’ Organization
July 12, 2017
Moapa Valley Progress. Christopher Udall is just an ordinary guy. He grew up in Mesa Arizona and until 6 months ago he was farming peas in Montana.Then he had an incredible idea that would change many lives.
While on a fundraising tour last week, Udall met with a group of small people in Moapa Valley and related his amazing recent experiences in the middle-eastern country of Jordan....