Remembering the Karak Castle Rebuild
It has been over a year since Rebuild for Peace students organized the Karak Castle Rebuild, but some stories are meant to be shared...

Bicycle Repair Program in Za'atari Camp
Over a year ago bicycles were distributed to the refugees living inside of Za'atari Refugee Camp. A year later the bicycles fell into...

What Does A Peace-building Certificate Mean?
Peace-building is a change of mindset; it is a transformative process that takes time. Our Certificate Program is the first step in this...

Syrian Refugees Studying in Jordan
The Syrian War rages on and continues to affect countless lives. Many of the students who attend our vocational training centers are...

Erin Andreasen: Why I Rebuild
Hi! My name is Erin Andreasen. I was introduced to the Rebuild for Peace program as part of a class I was taking, and I am so glad that I...

Renae Higgins: Why I Rebuild
I rebuild for peace because I know how influential empowering others to empower themselves can be, not just for that individual, but for...

Jessica Smith: Why I Rebuild
I left the country for the first time when I was 11 years-old, and it opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart to a world so much bigger...

McKenna Brown: Why I Rebuild
I rebuild for peace because I believe in a better tomorrow. I dream for the day when the world will know peace. Until then, I fight for...

Rebuilding Lives on the Syrian-Jordan Border
Rebuild for Peace has established two vocational training centers in the North of Jordan, on the border of Syria. The students, all of...

Stories of Peace: Uthaina Hijia
“I would love to have more equipment to allow me to go into other neighborhoods and offer similar training courses. I specifically want...