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Rebuild Lives With Us

Rebuild for Peace offers vocational and peace-building programs to vulnerable populations. The curriculum focuses on providing training that will empower the next generation to rebuild their communities, pursue their passions, and support themselves and their families without resorting to violent causes.

Last year, around this time, the Ancient Karak Castle was attacked by a group of local youth who were recruited to extremism. According to local leaders, 200 youth from the community were recruited to ISIS in 2016 alone.

We are passionate about investing in the lives of youth, providing them a path forward void of extremism, desperation, and violence. Not only does the program provide life-changing skills to promote economic development, it encourages young people to invest in themselves and in their future. Our team is full of compassionate mentors who genuinely care about the success of each student and fully believe the students can rebuild their lives and be peace-builders for the world.


Your contributions rebuild lives. With your help, ten training centers were opened and 200 students were trained! Their lives and lives of their families have dramatically improved and countless additional lives, from instructors to local collaborators, have been positively impacted,

Your support is a huge part of our success. Your volunteered time and donations have given a message of HOPE to all those involved with Rebuild for Peace.

We couldn't be happier. Just imagine what we will accomplish together this year!


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