The Jordanian Government gives Rebuild for Peace its first major funding

Having existed for just over 3 months, which have been filled with both hard work and some wonderful experiences, Rebuild for Peace is extremely excited to receive its first major donation - from the Jordanian government.
The total of the donation is JOD 300,000 which is equivalent to roughly $425,000, and will pave the way for providing training centres and equipment for our students. It will also be used to help fund up to three students' business plans each term, providing JOD 1000 to the chosen plans whose objectives must involve community development.
The donation came from the VTC (Vocational Training Corporation), part of the Jordanian government, which was founded in 1968 to deal with the problems resulting from the lack of vocationally trained people in Jordan. Since then the Corporation has done some excellent work, but unfortunately the attitudes towards vocational training in Jordan have not changed.
As a result, youth unemployment in Jordan is now at around 29%. At the same time, the Jordanian government is forced to import workers for vocational jobs such as in construction, car maintenance and plumbing, at great expense. The lack of aspirational vocational training programs in Jordan is one of the most important challenges for the country’s education system.
At Rebuild for Peace, we believe we can work effectively against this problem by providing top quality vocational training to at-risk youth, simultaneously keeping them away from extremist recruiters. We thank the VTC for helping us do so.