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Rebuilding Lives by Restoring Hope

How Are Lives Affected by Violence and Conflict?

An unprecedented 65.6 million people around the world have been forced from their homes. Of this total, 22.5 million are refugees and over half are under the age of 18.

Jordan alone hosts 1.3 million Syrian refugees. That is not accounting for the thousands of refugees of differing nationalities who have flooded across the border. The mass exodus of people has greatly impacted the country.

According to Jordan Human Rights Research, 70% of the country are refugees, many of whom are multi-generational. In addition, 50% of the country are under the age of 30. The unemployment rate is 18.2% overall and 33% for highly educated women.

According to the Jordan Times, "The new unemployment rate is "critical" and is higher than at any point in the last 25 years.

Lack of opportunity and the resultant economic insecurity is widely accepted as a major factor in the disproportionately high ISIS recruitment rate in Karak, where it is estimated that 200 youth were recruited in the year 2016 alone - a year which culminated in the attack on the Karak Castle killing 14 and injuring 37 civilians, tourists, and police.

Intent to rebuild lives in the wake of conflict, our students and members of the community joined together to rebuild what was damaged.

This is at the core of what we do.

Learn more about the Karak Castle Rebuild by watching the video below.


The Pillars of Our Program

We provide vocational education and peace-building training to at-risk populations in violence-affected regions of the world. With this in mind, We are committed to addressing unemployment among youth and refugees in Jordan, at-risk of being recruited into violent causes and educate the next generation of peace-builders.


Vocational and Peace-building Training Programs

We have 10 schools across Jordan, serving a total of 200 students. In addition, we teach peace-building to Central American refugees in Arizona and advocate for peace in our Montana headquarters.


How You Can Help Us Rebuild Lives

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